Kamis, 14 Juli 2011



Smart Part Yogyakarta is located in the central city of Yogyakarta, a new travel vehicle for children that is Smart Park was built as a vehicle of expression, appreciation and creation in a fun atmosphere.

With a motto of educating and fun, the park was built in 2003 is to foster the interest of children and young people to science through imagination, trial, and the sport in order to develop human resources qualified Indonesia.
Smart Park also want to realize one of the teachings of Ki Hajar Dewantara Niteni: Understanding, Niroake: Imitate, and Nambahi: Develop.
Smart Park Zoning
Reception area and games as well as public space for visitors. In this region provided a number of rides for children such as playing Pipes Storytelling, Parabola Whispering, Tree House, Dancing Water, Air Corridor, Desaku Permai, Spectra Wall Color chanted, Pulley System, Goyang Bridge, a teeter-totter, Sand Castles, Engklek, and Forums rock

Heritage House:
This area is reserved for children's education early age (early childhood), which consists of children ages pre-school to kindergarten.

Oval Office:
This zone consists of the introduction of environmental zones and science exhibitions, the exposure zone, history, science and technology.

Building Box:
This building consists of three floors the first floor of a complementary tool Smart Park zone that includes the exhibition hall, audiovisual room, radio Jogja children, food court, and souvenier counter. Second floor and the base material zone comprises the application of science and technology Cultural Festival, bridges science, popular technology, advanced technology, and libraries. While the third floor consists of a laboratory science, animation and tv, and class courses.

Every Tuesday through Sunday from 09.00 - 16.00 (Monday Close)
- Props interactive science and technology
- Exhibition space and audiovisual
- Food court
- Mosque

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